How to Lose 130 lbs in 4 Months - Success Story

Vicky Harrison had written her suicide note and hidden it away in a drawer at home. She knew she was ready to end it all after 30 years of mental torment cause by an abusive childhood that had sent her spiralling into a vicious circle of self-harm and alcohol abuse. But a chance meeting with a stranger at a football match saved her life. Vicky, who weighed 350 lbs pounds, was at Goodison Park to watch her beloved Everton when a volunteer from the club’s Girls on Side mental health programme spotted the tell-tale criss-cross of self-harm scars on her arms and started to chat to her. It was that brief conversation that gave Vicky the push she needed to give life one last chance. Now, two years on Blues fan Vicky has shed 130 lbs in 4 months, ditched the booze, stopped self-harming and is now happy and healthy and training to be a personal trainer. Vicky, 44, explains: “I used to get out of breath walking to the door to pick up my pizza delivery - now I am about to d...